Pre-Op Requirements

Dr. Barrera is emphatic that you DO NOT SMOKE for at least 2 weeks before the surgery and a minimum of 3 weeks after the procedure.  This is a VERY IMPORTANT consideration for the healing process to occur without interruption or complications.

At the time of scheduling the surgery, Dr. Barrera requires a current list of all your medications along with dosage amounts including hormones, vitamins, sleeping pills or anti-depressants.


1. NO SMOKING – cigarettes and cigars - first and foremost

2. Do not take any aspirin products including “Ketorolaco”

3. Discontinue the use of the following supplements:
  • Vitamin E
  • Fish Oil AND/or Omega 3 capsules
  • Gingo Biloba
  • Any anti-aging supplements
  • Diet pills
  • Diet Green Teas 
4. Limit alcohol consumption

5. Do not take “Arnica” which is promoted as aiding in the reduction of  swelling prior to surgery.

Continue taking your normal prescription medications for the treatment of blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes or thyroid issues.

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Puccini - Tosca - Recondita Armonia